Dehydrated fruit is a great way to savor the season and keep fruit going bad if you can’t get to it soon enough. In the fall I love to dehydrate Persimmons and blood oranges, these make the perfect snack for kids and adults alike. I use a 9 try Excalibur dehydrator but any dehydrator will work. If you don’t have a dehydrator you can use your oven at the lowest temperature it will go for 1-3 hours.

Dehydrated Persimmons


4-6 Fuyu persimmons


Remove the stem and very top of the persimmons. Then cut persimmons into 1/8 inch thick rounds (cut smaller if you want to use them on top of salads or in granola. Lay them flat on dehydrator sheets, leaving space in between slices. Turn Dehydrator to 145 degrees for 30 minutes, after that turn dehydrator to 118 degrees and dehydrate for 15-20 hours depending on how chewy you want them.

October 23, 2019

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